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Sunday, August 23, 2020
The Little Girl Eater, by Septimus Dale Essay Example
The Little Girl Eater, by Septimus Dale Essay In class we read the narrative of The Little Girl Eater, by Septimus Dale. The focal character is a man called Mason and the story starts with him lying on sand underneath an old coal breakwater; hed been there quite a while, subsequent to taking an alternate way when the tide was out, through the supports. He realized the tide was going back his direction, and would in the long run suffocate him. It was early April so it was far-fetched that somebody would discover him. Artisan felt wiped out and powerless; enormous influxes of queasiness hit him like the floods of the ocean. He could no longer feel his lower appendages, nor move them. Artisan felt that he should reason out a way of departure before it was past the point of no return. Artisan had given calling a shot regardless, yet this was a disappointment. Be that as it may, a clever arrangement framed in his psyche: if he somehow managed to tunnel downwards, rather than attempting to compel himself upwards, he may burrow himself enough leeway to slither clear. Everything relied upon what lay underneath. Miranda was a young lady, not beautiful by any means; truth be told, prominently terrible: her nose was protracted; she had an amazingly large build. The street her vehicle was going on was shocking; she was on the rearward sitting arrangement; her mom in the front with her companion, Johnny, who was driving. Johnny was decent: he didnt mind going anyplace with his vehicle, in contrast to her father. We will compose a custom article test on The Little Girl Eater, by Septimus Dale explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on The Little Girl Eater, by Septimus Dale explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on The Little Girl Eater, by Septimus Dale explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer They were heading off to the ocean. Johnny needed to send Miranda down to the sea shore to play, for evident reasons. Artisan before long quit tunneling in light of the fact that it had frayed him out. The wharf was made on a strong solid base yet the solid bank was not sufficiently high to hold the brace. Unexpectedly he saw a metal can lying half-lowered in the sand; he chose, hed give him self a moment passing by cutting his throat, a snappier method to pass on, less tormenting than to be gradually suffocated by the influxes of the ocean. Miranda was looking down on Mason beneath, an interesting kind of man, since she could just view his shoulder and his arms. She was hesitant to ask him what he was doing in light of the fact that she realized adults got resentful without any problem. Artisan wasnt upset when she fled on the grounds that he realized she would tell somebody shed seen him. When Miranda disclosed to her mom, Mirandas mother was stunned when she said a ridiculous man. She revealed to Miranda she shouldnt make up senseless stories. Johnny revealed to Miranda the man under the wharf was a Little Girl Eater: who lived under the ocean and, when the tide was out, sat tight for senseless young ladies and ate them up right away. Miranda inquired as to whether she could return to play on the sea shore.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Woman dressed in White by Wilkie Collins - Coursework Example Anne Catherick is â€Å"the lady dressed in white†in the book (Pykett, 40). She is intellectually sick and is secured up a mental medical clinic. She has a striking likeness to her sister Laura Fairlie. She escapes from the shelter. It is after the break that she meets with the primary character in the story Walter Hartright on his approach to work at the Limmerage House. Laura likewise experiences passionate feelings for Walter when he moves to Limmerage House in Cumberland to fill in as a drawing expert. She is anyway bound to her clandestine and baffling spouse Sir Percival Glyde, who now and again ambushes her, yet even the law can't secure her. Glyde tells his closest companion Count Fosco of the likeness among Laura and Anne. They think of a plan switch Laura’s personality with that of her sister Anne after Anne’s demise. The arrangement succeeds, and Glyde then acquires Laura’s marriage settlement worth 20,000 pounds. At the point when Walter comes back from Honduras, he is resolved to reestablish Laura’s genuine personality. While doing his investigates, Walter finds that Glyde was a con. His title and property were unlawful. Glyde suspects Walter is going to find his mystery. He attempts to decimate the vault section to conceal his mystery. Simultaneously, the congregation burns to the ground and Glyde passes on in the fire. Walter stands up to Laura’s mother and discovers that Anne and Laura have a similar dad. Fosco attempts to escape from the nation, yet Walter gets him and powers him to compose an admission that can empower him reestablish Laura’s character. Their child turns into the beneficiary of Limmerage. (Pykett, 127). As observed through the encounters that Anne, Laura and other female characters experience in the book, Wilkie Collins illustrates a general public that abuses and persecutes ladies in view of their sexual orientation. Ladies experience numerous types of abuses including ambushes by their spouses to forswearing of the legitimate legacies by their male kin. Through the book, the essayist paints a
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Media and Representation of Black Women - Free Essay Example
According to Park (165), negative images of the dark women appears two times as often as positive pictures. This fact was reported in the year 2013. Representation of the black woman in the media has raised a great concern as to why in most cases they are used to make representations. This representation remains to support negative stereotype on black women in the media up to date. DuBois opinion is that damnation was tied to decentralization of the motherhood which came from western culture. From the beginning, Gammage reports that the powerful ad the most effective site is the contemporary media that secure black woman from being dehumanized. DuBois, states that this agenda is educated by conceptions of racism, femininity and sexism which came as a result of slavery which the black women fell to be target of. Many view the use of images from black woman to be significant and as and as a result these people neglect the cultural view on the use of the black woman in the media for representation. Media presentation of minorities is not seen to have positive impact. According to Bobo (289), feminists among other scholars greatly criticizes this and advocates for human rights to stop this exploitation. The essay will evaluate pros and cons of using black woman in th e media. By analyzing peoples judgments and views on representation of black women in the media there are a lot of cones. Representation of women in the media have a great effect to the society and even the woman represented in the media. First problem is witnessed in the women. Women object themselves in terms of their body surveillance by adopting such form of unconsciousness, where they look at their bodies external appearance and become highly afraid on how their people or her society will perceive their body physical appearance as sais by Wood (126). Self-objection to ladies results to depression, this problem increases a complete human functioning and my end up resulting to of multiple life tasks. Moreover, women representation in the media can result to sexual dysfunction in accordance to Omaro (437). Which one openly witness or sees people in the act of sex like in pornography, this results to one focusing on ones body and in the process of sexual relations a woman is fully destructed by thoughts about her body instead of having pleasure. According to Pruis (231) presenting young attractive black women in the media fetches a lot of anxiety to aged women. Critics see that this is featuring men to be entitled on womens bodies this results to objection of young women by men of their age. In addition it is unrealistic expectations by men on how women should behave. This behavior brings in great pain men. Ladies should not expose their bodies to the public through media because this may end up them being despised and facing objection from men as said by Sayce (339). Representations of pornographies in the media increases high chances of sex with violence. This draws interest to sexual desires as this may results to some case of rape. Ladies have been identified to risk their own life so as to attain the media standards. Despite there being cones in stereotyping black women in the media, there are advantages relating to work of (Browne 59). These disadvantages include, women increases powerful force at the workforce and market places. Women are highly used in various areas at market places where they help in connecting factors in work place like making advertisements and act as connecting factor to the consumption of goods at the workplace by the consumers. Women are very influencing when it comes to the marketing of the product. Making use of the black women in making advertisement attracts big market for the products. Eccles (587) states that women entry to making advertisement is seen as a profession. Advertisement is considered a profession like any other profession like engineering, medicine among others. Some women take advertisement as their profession. These women make use of advertisement as their source of income to cope with their day to day needs and wants. According to women who do adver tisements, advertisement is understood in relations of identity (Alvesson 969). Finally making use of black women for advertisement creates more opportunities for them. These women meet with different people in areas they make advertisement as a result some end up getting good jobs and even getting special award. Their portrayal in the media may bring in change of their life style and adopt new lifestyles due to best opportunities they meet in life. At some point gets to be employed as the head of field of making presentations. In general making use of the black women for media representation has its disadvantages and advantages. This representation in the media came as a result of western culture. At a point its seen to go against the human rights for example when a woman is presented naked in the media. The disadvantages seen as a result of using black women for media representation outweighs the advantages thus the femininity should come in to defend rights of these women. These media representation not only affect women but also men. Men at a point are influenced after seeing naked women presented in the media. Therefore only the positive presentations that should be presented. Works Cited Alvesson, Mats. Gender relations and identity at work: A case study of masculinities and femininities in an advertising agency. Human Relations 51.8 (1998): 969-1005. Amaro, Hortensia. Love, sex, and power: Considering womens realities in HIV prevention. American psychologist 50.6 (1995): 437. Bobo, Jacqueline, and Ellen Seiter. Black feminism and media criticism: The Women of Brewster Place. Screen 32.3 (1991): 286-302. Browne, Kath. Snowball sampling: using social networks to research non?heterosexual women. International journal of social research methodology 8.1 (2005): 47-60. Eccles, Jacquelynne S. Understanding womens educational and occupational choices. Psychology of women quarterly 18.4 (1994): 585-609. Park, Ji Hoon, Nadine G. Gabbadon, and Ariel R. Chernin. Naturalizing racial differences through comedy: Asian, Black, and White views on racial stereotypes in Rush Hour 2. Journal of Communication 56.1 (2006): 157-177. Pruis, Trisha A., and Jeri S. Janowsky. Assessment of body image in younger and older women. The Journal of General Psychology: Experimental, Psychological, and Comparative Psychology 137.3 (2010): 225-238. Sayce, Liz. Stigma, discrimination and social exclusion: Whats in a word?. Journal of Mental Health 7.4 (1998): 331-343. Wood, Helen. Talking with television: Women, talk shows, and modern self-reflexivity. Vol. 4. University of Illinois Press, 2009: 123-131.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Price Of A Fast Food Restaurant - 1570 Words
Price Moe’s southwestern grill, like many other businesses, price their food using many different strategies such as value based pricing, cost based pricing and/or competition based pricing. Moe’s grill is known for their quality of food. Because of this, customers are willing to pay a higher price than they normally would when going to a typical fast food restaurant. Pricing this way is considered value based pricing. There are times when restaurants cannot just use one specific pricing, Moe’s also uses the competition based pricing method to effectively sell their product(â€Å"Moe’s Prices,†n.d.). Their competition includes Chipotle and Qudoba, these two Mexican cuisine restaurants also focus on their food quality and value. Because all†¦show more content†¦Promotion Moe’s Mexican grill is notorious for their broad span of consumers. They are liked by many different types of people and this is very important for a company, like Moe’s, that specializes in one genre of cuisine. They are only able to attract these customers by having a well devolved promotion plan. Promotion planning is one of the most important aspects of any business, because businesses are only able to thrive when their products are endorsed to many individuals. There are many ways to promote products such as the internet, social media, television, bill boards, sampling, etc. Although products are easy to promote intangible items are not easy to promote, therefore more detail goes into intangible endorsement. Moe’s is a very unique restaurant that does an amazing job at both. They are able to use other customers’ satisfaction to spread the word of their amazing southwestern cuisine. Moe’s unlike other restaurants gets its broad customer base by expanding their target audience. They allow for their employees and customers to interact with each other letting the customer decide what they want on their food while the employees may just help promote the most popular selections. Allowing for the customer to decide their own ingredients is an easy way to make sure the food being sold is exactly what the customer waned. And yet again once the customer realizes how much they enjoyed their products
Minimum Wages Essay Example For Students
Minimum Wages Essay Minimum WagesIt sounds simple raise the minimum wage, reward hard work, and strike ablow against the societys inequalities. Its an emotional argument that blursout the truth and makes people forget one important economic lesson: Theres nosuch thing as a free lunch. The minimum wage has not been increased since theindustrial welfare commission raised it to $4.25 an hour. The IWC and thelegislature have not agreed since that time that any additional increase isjustified because of Californias recession and the downward turn in thebusiness climate. There was a measure out on this last ballot called prop 210which passed and increased the minimum wage from $4.25 an hour to $4.75 an hourand on March 1, 1997 it will raise to $5.00 an hour and beginning March 1, 1998it will increase to $5.75. The minimum wage in California has increased ninetimes in the past thirty years rising from $1.30 per hour in the mid 1960s to$4.25 per hour as of July 1996. The increase has been less than the rate ofi nflation during this period. The vast majority of the 22,000 members of the American EconomicAssociation agree that increasing the minimum wage will increase unemploymentamong young, unskilled workers. This 35% hike in the minimum wage paid by thebusiness will be one of the biggest increases in California history. And, itwill hit just when the state is recovering from a long recession. Approximately2 million of Californias nearly 13 million workers earn less than $5.75 perhour. Most of these workers would be directly affected by this increase. Roughlyone-forth of those earning less than the proposed $5.75 minimum wage areteenagers, while the remaining three-fourths are adults age 20 and over. Industries employing significant numbers of these workers include retail stores,child care facilities, restaurants, and fast food franchise. Much of the fiscalimpacts of this measure would be related to its various effects on the economy,including changes in employment, prices and profits. For example, most employeesearning less than the proposed minimum wage would earn more. They would alsospend more on goods and services, thereby generating certain increases ineconomic activities. At the same time, however, employers would face higher wagecosts, which they would either absorb in the form of lower profits or attempt tooffset through a variety of means. For instance, they may attempt to shift orpass along the cost of higher wages to the consumer by rasing prices of thegoods and services they sell. Alternatively, some employers may offset the costof the increase in wages by automating, hiring fewer employees, reducing thehours, or limiting fringe benefits. Some businesses that are not able to shiftthe effects of the higher minimum wage may reduce economic activity inCalifornia. This would most likely occur in industries that have a large shareof expenses for low-wage workers or that are subject to competition from otherstates and other countries. In my view, an increase in the minimum wage would result in some declinein employment and business activity in California relative to what wouldotherwise have occurred. This increase would have varying effect on state andlocal revenues. For instance, a reduction in business activity, employment, andincome in California would result in lower income tax revenues. These declinescould be offset, however, by increased spending on goods subject to the salestax. Higher sales tax would occur if business raised prices of taxed goods inresponse to the increase in the minimum wage, and this increase is not offset byreducing quantities of goods sold. Sales tax could also increase if thosereceiving the higher minimum wage spent a relatively high portion of their newearnings on goods subject to the sales tax. .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864 , .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864 .postImageUrl , .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864 , .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864:hover , .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864:visited , .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864:active { border:0!important; } .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864:active , .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864 .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub46a5a4dc7fe886636b0ea885b0d0864:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Health promotion EssayHow the minimum wage should be changed, in California minimum wagesincreases have usually occurred in one of two ways. The first is a change in thefederal minimum wage, which results in an increase in California minimum wage tothe new higher federal level. The second is a state administrative process. Under this process, the California Industrial Welfare Commission can, by amajority vote of its members, issue wage orders to raise the state minimum wagefor workers in any occupation, trade, or industry. The commission considersinformation from business, labor, and the public through a series of hearings. This process was last used by the commission in 1988, when it increased theminimum wage from $3.35 per hour to $4.25 per hour. This measure would requirethe Industrial Welfare Commission to issue minimum wage orders consistent withthe proposed minimum wage increase. This increase in wages was to steep of an increase nobody is reallybenefiting from this, although it makes the employees earning the higher wagefeel better. I think a slow increase over time would have been better for theemployee because you would actually see your increase of money staying in yourpocket. Right now with your wages rising, your cost of living is also rising soin actuality you are spending more. Business
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
One Writers Beginnings Rhetorical Analysis free essay sample
In many ways, Welty hides from the truth or at least protects herself from it by detaching herself from reality. Through context, clever word choice, and rhetorical devices, Welty compares and contrasts how she confronts pain compared with her parents, revealing a greater truth about humanity’s ability to cope due to upbringing and life experiences. Despite living a sheltered life with relatively low risk, Eudora Welty has experienced great loss and pain in her life. In 1931, leukemia claimed her father’s life. When her father lay there in pain and agony, she stood there watching, helpless to stop the pain. Welty watched as her mother tried to save her father’s life with a blood transfusion. She witnessed the blood transfusion go horribly wrong, and her father die before her very eyes. She lived through seeing her mother become frail and weak with age, â€Å"lying helpless and nearly blind†(52). In her long life, Welty has witnessed all of these tragic events happen to the people she loved and had to learn to cope. We will write a custom essay sample on One Writers Beginnings Rhetorical Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Welty’s methods of coping with the pain reveal fascinating things about her and the effects of her upbringing. While Welty’s statements and words provide great insight into her thoughts, what she does not write has almost, if not more, value. She never directly describes how the loss of her parents affected her emotionally. After her father’s death, she makes no mention of how the loss impacted her or hurt her. Clearly she respected and loved her father greatly. In fact, she called her father, â€Å"Daddy†(82), conveying the level of affection and closeness she felt to Christian Welty. However, rather than portray her emotional turmoil at the sight of her ather dying from leukemia, she details the incident as if she were an impassive observer studying her mother’s reactions. By not focusing too intently on emotions and detaching herself from the event, Welty makes reality less painful. Instead of describing her emotions, she reports the emotional distress of her mother who continues to blame herself after the father’s death (93). Perhaps by conveying her mo ther’s despair, Welty actually provides the reader with a small glimpse of her true emotions, ones that she has carefully hidden to protect herself from harm. Furthermore, Welty often deflects painful events with humor and a detached matter-of-factness. Welty describes a â€Å"fast-beating heart†ailment that left her bed-ridden for months when she was younger as a seemingly innocuous affair. Stating, â€Å"I felt all right- perhaps I felt too good†¦At any rate, I was allowed to occupy all day my parent’s double bed†(20), Welty nonchalantly dismisses the ailment as nothing major. The word â€Å"allowed†makes the disease sound like something beneficial that bestowed her with a privilege while the words â€Å"at any rate†consciously deflect the severity of the moment. She does not focus for long on times of pain and makes sure to divert the reader’s attention with a quick diversion. Throughout her work, Welty does this. After describing her grandfather’s chilling last words to her mother, â€Å"If you let them tie me down, I’ll die†(51), Welty immediately follows with an amusing story of her mother’s interaction with the surgeon who incredulously repeats back at her â€Å"You don’t know anybody in Baltimore? †(51). Welty moves through events at a workman-like pace never allowing the emotional tension to rise too high, not allowing herself to dwell too much. Since she lived a sheltered life, when confronted with the harsh realities of life, Welty tries to lessen the pain and tension to ease the realization, a characteristic that becomes evident in her writing. On the other hand, Welty’s parents experienced far less sheltered lives. The two were forced to grow up far quicker than Welty. Welty’s father copes in a similar way as Eudora Welty herself. He does not like the past, so he simply avoids it and looks to the future. His mother died at a young age, and as Welty states, â€Å"He never happened to tell us a single family story†(63), showing his reluctance to focus on his painful past and a willingness to just create a happy future for his family. However, unlike her father, Welty does acknowledge the past and its significance; she just doesn’t dwell on it for too long. In total contrast, Welty’s mother focused exclusively on past experiences and used those to base her future actions. Describing her mother’s mind as a, â€Å"mass of associations†(19), Welty creates a brilliant image that signifies that one idea in her head must always be connected to another. The word â€Å"mass†creates the image that these associations are overbearing and thick. Welty’s mother allows guilt to take over her life. Welty’s grandfather’s last words, â€Å"If you let them tie me down, I’ll die†(51), has a lasting impact on Welty’s mother because the word â€Å"let†implies she had some choice. The word â€Å"let†allows her to blame herself for her father’s death. From that point, Welty’s mother took every bitter loss as a sign of her failure. She blamed herself for her little baby’s death. She blamed herself if any harm befell her children. She blamed herself for her husband’s death. Guilt overwhelmed her. By trying to overprotect Eudora Welty, she spread some of this guilt and fear of loss to her. Although Welty does not have as crippling a fear as her mother, this fear manifests itself in the ways she brushes aside and dismisses pain in order to marginalize it. Everyone deals with loss at some point in his or her life. Due to Welty’s sheltered life, she could shield herself from the truth. However, once she began writing, Welty had to look inward. Her father never liked fiction because it was not factual. However, Welty used fiction and writing as a device to confront realities about herself and her parents that she had previously ignored. Writing provided her with an outlet and a coping mechanism. Every person deals differently with loss. Welty’s mother allowed her guilt over her perceived failures to eat her up. She kept her loved ones like her daughter very close and overprotected them. Willing to even sacrifice herself for something she loved, she ran into a burning building with crutches to rescue her Dickens books (45). Of course, such overbearing love inevitably leads to some pushing away from loved ones that desire independence. Her coping mechanism was entirely self destructive and unhealthy. Welty’s father coped by mainly avoiding the past and ignoring its existence. Although he kept memorabilia from his mother, he never spoke of it. All three provide interesting case studies in how upbringing and experience can influence methods one uses to cope. Though possibly painful, the truth is never as destructive as an unhealthy method of coping.
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